Friday, January 11, 2008

Indian Festivals

In Mumbai there are numerous festivals year round that last for many days at a time. This fall we celebrated Ganpati and Diwali.

During Ganpati, everyone builds statues of the popular god Ganesh. Here Ganesh rides a motorcycle down the streets of Hyderabad.

Another statue of the elephant god who brings good luck.

At the end of Ganpati, everyone carries the statues of Ganesh to the sea. Here is a shot of the crowds at Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai. It is quite an incredible spectacle.

In November, it was time to celebrate Diwali.

All of Mumbai was lit up in this festival of lights.

On every street vendors sold candles, firecrackers, and colored powder to decorate homes and businesses.

The steps up to my apartment Diwali week.

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