Friday, January 11, 2008

Work in Rajasthan

In October and November, I traveled to meet with NGOs working on education in rural Rajasthan.

Our first meeting was with an organization that supports primary education in the villages outside of Udaipur.

Along the roads we passed many women carrying rice.

And many camels.

Far out in the desert, we met with this group of village women to ask about the education of their children.

The women were eager to talk to us about the difficulties of desert life.

We then met with members of a nomadic sheep herding tribe outside Jodhpur.

We sat with the men and discussed the challenges to education for their children.

The women of this tribe wore bangles up and down their arms.

At the end of the meeting we said farewell to our hosts.

In the desert of western Rajasthan, I helped make chapati over the fire.

We then visited a rural desert school.

And met with the children.

In the end we headed home with many ideas about education and funding for children in rural India.

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