Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The girls visit

In August, I had the wonderful opportunity to have 3 dear friends from Stanford visit Katie and me in India. We traveled around the country for 2 weeks and had many excellent adventures.

The whole crew at the Taj Mahal: Jenny, Emi, Avra, Katie, Jessie.

A fantastic video of Katie and I riding the man-powered ferris wheel at Chowpatty Beach. Watch them climb up and jump off...to spin us at death defying speed!!

Refreshing coconut water in downtown Mumbai.

The Dobi Ghats, an outdoor setting for all of Mumbai's public laundry.

Washing laundry with a plastic turban.

Riding bike rickshaws to our hotel in Delhi.

Spices on the Delhi streets.

School children riding their own bike rickshaw to school.

Our TV debut: screaming "We Love Delhi" for a show about visitors to the city!

Picnic in Lodi Gardens, Delhi.

A typical cow on our hotel's crowded street.

Visit to Dharamsala, at the base of the Himalayas.

Tibetan monks and monkeys.

Prayer flags overlooking the town.

A final stop in beautiful Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Drinks overlooking the water. How lovely to share all this with friends.

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